1-888-668-6622 info@mountcain.com



(Updated: October 18, 2024) 

MINIMUM AGE: You must be 19 years of age to book accommodations with Mount Cain. 

OPERATING: Since insurance requires that a MCAPS Director or MCAPS Representative is on site during accommodation rentals, and the access road is cleared only when the Mount Cain is open, MCAPS accommodations are NOT available when the Mount Cain is not operating.  Operating does not mean that the lifts are in operation, only that accommodations are open.  



  • If guests give more than 3 weeks (21 days) notice in cancelling a booking, MCAPS will refund accommodations payment. Membership fees are non-refundable.
  • If guests give less than 3 weeks (21 days) notice in canceling a booking, but 14 days or more, MCAPS will refund 50% of the payment.
  • If guests give less than 2 weeks (14 days) notice in canceling a booking there will be no refund.
  • In the case of a low/no snow time period MCAPS will reach out to guests with accommodations booked after the Winter Break in advance of the 3 week cancellation period so that guests may decide whether to keep their reservation, or cancel with a full refund of accommodations fees.
  • In event that Mount Cain is open and the ski lifts are not operating, accommodation reservations are valid. Open is defined as road access is maintained and Day Lodge and/or Cafe open.
  • Accommodations booked for weekends prior to December 27 will be cancelled and refunded if we are unable to open due to snow conditions. The call will be made on short notice – you can expect to receive notification of cancellation or confirmation of operation on Thursday prior to the weekend.
  • If the ski hill is closed due to unsafe weather or Government guidelines, MCAPS will cancel all accommodation bookings for the night preceding the closure and refund 100% of the accommodations payment. 


MEMBERSHIPS: MCAPS membership is required for ALL MCAPS accommodations bookings, rentals, and lift ticket purchases. Membership is valid until the end of the upcoming annual general meeting. Membership fees are non-refundable. 

MEMBERSHIP FEES: “Individual”: $20.00 (1 AGM vote).”Family”: $35.00 (2 AGM votes) plus GST. 


CHECK-IN After 3:00 p.m. CHECK-OUT By 11:00 a.m. 


PETS: Mount Cain facilities are pet free zones. Pets may not be inside any MCAPS buildings. As well, dogs must be on a leash AT ALL TIMES. Please respect our rental accommodations, and fellow ski hill patrons, by strictly adhering to these guidelines. Guests not adhering to guidelines will be denied future rental opportunities, and charged a $50 cleaning fee.  

OPEN FIRES: No fires or flames in or near MCAPS’ buildings. No smoking, no candles, no outdoor fires. 

ALCOHOL: The Cain Café is liquor-licensed. Alcohol consumed in the Café or beer garden must be purchased from the Café; private alcohol is not permitted. Private alcohol is permitted in the hostels and rental cabins only. 

QUIET TIME: 11:00 p.m. is quiet time and lodge closing time. Please respect the sleep needs of all MCAPS guests, staff, and parking lot campers. 

LOSS OR DAMAGE: Guests are responsible for the replacement or repair cost of loss or damage to MCAPS rental accommodations structure or contents. 

PARKING: For overnight snow clearing, all vehicles must park on the ski-lift side of the parking lot. To conserve space, park vehicles close together. Keep cabin road entrances and lower ski-lift access ramp clear of all vehicles.  

Guests not adhering to the above policies will be denied future rental opportunities and/or lift privileges. 



parking and camping POLICIES


Please respect your fellow parking lot users and the staff and volunteers who make Mount Cain run smoothly. To maximize space and ensure guest comfort, safety and efficient mountain operations, please follow these parking lot procedures:

  • Park as close as possible to vehicles beside you (less than 4 feet away).
  • Please be considerate of other guests, holding spaces is discouraged – try to arrive together if you want to park together. 
  • Tow-behind trailers are strongly discouraged.
  • Camping is by donation. Suggest donation $10/night. Make your donation at the Ticketbooth or Ski Shop. 
  •  All parking lot campers (including all RVs, vans, truck-bed campers and the like) must be located in the Main Parking Lot area between the entrance of the lot and the L1 lift building.
  •  If using a generator, park on near the entrance of the Main Parking lot. Generators off at 10pm.
  • All awnings/tarps/cooking areas must be set up behind vehicles (not beside) to maximize number of guests in the parking lot.
  • Quiet time at 11pm (low conversations are OK, but no music please).
  • Pack out all garbage, including compostables.  Properly dispose of all waste water in one of the outhouses.
  • Vehicles staying during mid-week for camping must be parked on the Uphill Side of the lot, parked as close together as possible. 
  • Mid Week Campers are reminded to stay out of bounds when the ski hill is closed.  Please remember there are no services provided by mount cain during mid week days. 
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times. Dogs are not allowed on the ski hill.  Pleaes pick up after your pet. 
  • Camping is by donation to help keep Cain great!
  •  Thank you for your cooperation!!!