

Vancouver Island’s Best Powder

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mount cain updates

Check in with our weekly updates to get important info for getting to, staying at and skiing Mount Cain!

Ringing in the New Year, Cain-Style!

Wrapping up an amazing holiday break at Mount Cain! Big thanks to our volunteers, staff, and everyone who travelled from near and far to ring in the new year with us. Our holiday season kicked off with our opening day on December 28th and we were skiing through until...

Land Acknowledgement

Mount Cain is located in the territory of the ‘Namgis First Nation.  The mountainous area near the Davie River, or Dzudzuxan, is known as Papikalan in Kwak’wala, meaning place of marmots.

mount cain

Special Events

There’s always something to do at Mount Cain! Check out our Events page to learn about our annual competitions, festivals and more!

news & events

what’s happening

It Came, We Saw, We Conquered.

It Came, We Saw, We Conquered.

The snow was falling as vehicles rolled in last Friday evening, and it kept coming all weekend. The wind on Saturday made for some interesting effects, but by Sunday, there was nothing but light, fluffy snow on the mountain, and smiles on faces. Shouts of joy emanated...

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Hey People, What’s That Sound?

Hey People, What’s That Sound?

Hey People, What’s That Sound? Last weekend, after the final person rode up the T and ski patrol had finished sweep, in the moment of calm between the bustle of the day and the hustle of the night, heavy snowflakes fell and fog muffled the sounds of the mountain....

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What do you call a group of Cainites?

What do you call a group of Cainites?

If a group of porcupines is a prickle and a group of jellyfish is a swam, what does one call a group of people who live their best life at Cain? Some observers consider all Cainites to be the same species. I, on the other hand, believe there are several species in the...

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mount cain sponsors

Mount Cain could not run without the financial support it receives from several businesses  that support us during the ski season and beyond. Many thanks to the following companies and organizations.


FRIENDS OF mount cain 

Mount Cain relies on the generosity of companies, agencies, and individuals who donate time, materials, and equipment crucial to making our little mountain a big success.  Thank you!

Abernathy Contracting - Black Cat Repairs - Home Structural Inc. Karsten Construction – Lemare – Ministry of Forests – North Island Rockpro – PBX Engineering – Scott and Scott Architecture – Strategic Wildfire – Strathcona Electrical – Tex Electric – Welder Engineering – Western Forest Products

Explore more!

Vancouver Island North Tourism is the official visitors information for the Vancouver Island North region.

Explore the communities closest to Mount Cain and accommodation and activity happening nearby. Make the most of your North Island getaway!