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Last weekend a long-time member of the Cain Community, Kaz Kotillla, brought some fresh eyes to the problem with the Lower T. Building on the great work of Dean, James, and others, Kaz was able to get the bull wheel turning! We still need to put the T’s on and test things out, but it looks like we will/might have a Lower T this weekend. Huge thanks to everyone involved and to Kaz, the electrical magician!
According to Cains’s budding weather reporter, Zealand, the weather might be less cooperative. Check out his weekly weather report and conduct whichever snow ritual you prefer to call for lower temperatures. I lean towards eating ice cream the night before I want snow, so I have a freezer full of Hagen Daz and know how to use it.
This year, my New Year’s resolution was to not mention dogs in all 2023 posts. But, like my resolution not to eat ice cream, I had to cast this one aside for the good of Cain. Last weekend, dogs of all shapes and sizes were off-leash in the parking lot. And no, you cannot put a leash on your dog and then let them run around unaccompanied. Your dog must be on a leash, and the other end of the leash must be in a person’s hand or something stationary like a tree or the bumper of a parked truck. I have included photos below in case this is not clear. 
I know we all hear the call of the wild when we are surrounded by Cain and Abel, and we do our best to keep things rustic and authentic (also, we have no choice, we can’t afford a gondola). But we increasingly need to conform to society’s rules, including purchasing ski passes. All skiers and boarders MUST buy a ski pass at Cain, even if you are skinning up. 
So put a white crayon in your freezer,  your dog on a leash, a ski pass on your jacket, a T bar under your bum, and together we can make this a great weekend, no matter the conditions.
It is -.8° with 83cm on the Ridge Run.
See you on the slopes,