1-888-668-6622 info@mountcain.com

You’ve seen them cautiously checking the boundary line, fearlessly bringing injured skiers and boarders down the mountain, and sitting contentedly at L4. These brave women and men in red are our Ski Patrollers and we cannot run the ski hill without them. Almost all of them are volunteers who put in extra hours to ensure our adventures on the mountain are safe.

So this weekend, come out and support these heroes at the annual Retro Themed (bring that ’80s vibe) Ski Patrol Fundraiser, where you could win a Date with a Patroller, which includes:

A private mountain experience as you sweep with your patroller and prepare for opening;

First tracks down your favourite runs;

A guided experience around the mountain for the day;

Lunch at Turk’s Tavern;

Last tracks as you do final sweep;

A day pass for those who do not have a season pass.

To be one of the lucky seven winners, you just need to spend $50.00 on raffle tickets and you will be automatically entered! There is a wide variety of raffle prizes – everything from hats to backpacks! So grab your fluorescent onesie from the Tickle Trunk and come on over to the beer garden. Strait and Narrow and Devils Bath Brewery will be slinging beverages. DJ Tall Order is back on-site for some groovy tune. And there will be burgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers for everyone to enjoy!

Note: Winners of the Date with a Patroller can cash in their prize this season or in 2022/23.

Do you know what happened at Cain over Spring Break? Eight people earned their Level 1 Ski Instructors certification. Congratulations to Anna, Sally, Connor, Owen, Max, Cody, Tim, and Rowen. It is great to see a new group of ski instructors ready to help introduce kids of all ages to the Mount Cain experience – especially on Magic Mondays. Special thanks to Chrystal Menzies for organizing this class.

With sadness, I offer congratulations to the South Island S*** Hawks as they defeated the Majestic Orca in the annual SnowShoe Baseball Game. The costumes were glorious, the running awkward, and the only thing contagious was the laughter. Majestic Orcas, you will be receiving your training program by email soon – we have a title to reclaim in 2023.

What more can I say? It’s Mount Cain, where an average day is spectacular.

It’s -2.9°C and there’s a 196cm base on the Ridge Run. The forecast calls for cold temperatures (-2°C to -4°C) and a dusting of snow this weekend.

See you on the slopes,

Jen, (a proud Majestic Orca)