getting here
Approximate Distances and Driving Times
Port McNeill to the Mount Cain turn off is approximately 77km; about 50 min on Island Hwy 19 by vehicle.
Nanaimo to the Mount Cain turn off is approximately 270km; about 2 hours 45 min. on Inland Hwy 19 by vehicle.
Campbell River to Mount Cain turn off is approximately 121km, about 1 hour 15min. on Hwy 19 by vehicle.
Sayward to the Mt. Cain turn off is approximately 55km; about 30 minutes by vehicle.
From the Highway 19 turnoff to the Mt Cain parking lot is 16km on a gravel road; about 30 minutes by vehicle.
When travelling from the south
DO NOT use your phone for instructions, Google Maps, iMaps, etc. will have you turn off the highway too soon.
The Highway 19 sign saying “Woss 14 km” is 6 km south of the Mount Cain turnoff.
The small blue sign, “Mt. Cain Ski Area”, is about 200 meters south of the turnoff.
Mount Cain’s unpaved access road is on the left side of Hwy 19 as you are heading up island toward Woss.
When travelling from the north
The Mt. Cain turn-off is about 50 min south of Port McNeill and about 5 minutes (8 km or 5 miles) south of the Woss turn-off. Look for the blue Schoen Lake Provincial Park and Mount Cain sign and turn to the right. Now you’re on the access road, follow the signs to Mount Cain.
Before driving to Cain
For Mount Cain road and local weather conditions check this website or our Facebook site. We post weather conditions on our weekly Wednesday Update and road conditions are updated on the weekend as needed.
You must have chains that fit your vehicle, chains that you know how to use, chains that you intend to use!
Chains may be required for going both up and down the access road. Vehicles without chains will be denied access. Make sure your chains are the right size for your vehicle and are in good repair. Actually putting tire-chains ON is often REQUIRED FOR ALL VEHICLES, including 4×4’s with good snow tires. Unprepared drivers put other drivers and their passengers at risk.
Bring a shovel
You may need to dig your car out.
Camping and Parking Policies
Please respect your fellow parking lot users and the staff and volunteers who make Mount Cain run smoothly. To maximize space and ensure guest comfort, safety and efficient mountain operations, please follow these parking lot procedures:
• Park as close as possible to vehicles beside you (less than 4 feet away).
• All awnings/tarps/cooking areas must be set up behind vehicles (not beside) to maximize number of guests in the parking lot.
• Tow-behind trailers are strongly discouraged.
• All parking lot campers (including all RVs, vans, truck-bed campers and the like) must be located in the Main Parking Lot area between the entrance of the lot and the L1 lift building.
• Vehicles staying during mid-week for camping must be parked on the Uphill Side of the lot, parked as close together as possible.
• If using a generator, park on near the entrance of the Main Parking lot. Generators off at 10pm.
• Quiet time at 11pm (low conversations are OK, but no music please).
• Pack out all garbage, including compostables.
• Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
• Camping is by donation to help keep Cain great!
• Thank you for your cooperation!!!