Hey People, What’s That Sound?
Last weekend, after the final person rode up the T and ski patrol had finished sweep, in the moment of calm between the bustle of the day and the hustle of the night, heavy snowflakes fell and fog muffled the sounds of the mountain. Then, from the warm belly of the Lodge came a deep baritone sound that was not only heard, but felt.
Dean was in the building.
Shot skis originated in Austria, where they are known as schnappski, and no one can remember what year they were invented (for reasons that do not need to be explained). Austrians put several shot glasses on a ski and, without securing them, did a shot of schnapps. When the shot ski emigrated to BC, we went big. In Fernie, 700 feet of skis were drilled together so over 500 people could take a collective shot. But we can’t fit a ski that big in the Lodge, so we go with the old 6-shot standard. The red solo cups add a lovely North Island charm.
The shot ski may be found worldwide, but you can only hear Dean bellow SHOT skiiiii at Cain.
Rumour has it that Cabin 44, to conform with Health Canada’s new drinking guidelines, is working on a non-alcoholic shots ski. We are hoping they will reveal their concoctions soon, but according to the word on the Upper Cabin Road, flavours include juice and maple syrup.
In other news, Will and Melany from Squamish were heading down the mountain on Sunday when they came across a pair of skis on the road. They put the skis in the back of their vehicle, turned around, and drove back up the mountain to find the owner. Will and Melany, thank you for reminding us what kindness looks like. We hope you made the ferry, and come back again real soon.
Finally, the Ticket Booth is looking for someone to join their team. If you can work weekends and Spring Break and ski or snowboard to the upper lift for ticket checking, you should apply for this job! Accommodations are provided on the mountain. If you are interested in this fantastic job, please contact June at jhale@mountcain.com.
After the thin crust of snow covered our beloved powder last weekend, I am protesting all weather and associated forecasts. It will be what it will be. And there is always a shot ski waiting at the Lodge.
It is -14° and 188cm on the Ridge Run.
See you on the slopes,